By having our company record your books and records correctly and furnishing you with monthly income statements and reviewing them with you monthly, there are no surprises at the end of the year. You know ahead of time what to do to reduce your taxes. We come to your office and discuss your business endeavors with you personally.
Our Accounting Services include, but are not limited to the following:
Monthly & Quarterly Income Statements
By preparing records for our clients it helps them realize their business goals and it helps us to advise them how to accomplish their Tax Savings.
Accounting Advice & Consultation
We meet with our clients constantly to apprise them of different ways of developing their business, and minimizing their taxes.
Payroll Services
The Payroll Services consist of Payroll Check Writing and preparation of Payroll Tax Reports monthly, quarterly, and at the end of the year.
Estimated Taxes
Our company helps our clients to minimize their Taxes by Tax Planning thereby reducing their estimated taxes.